Let's start by digging in to the can of worms Chad opened. I'll say it right here. I do not like Barrack Obama. I do not like his attitude. I do not like his policies. I do not like him in a boat. I do not like him on a parade float. I do not like him Sam I Am! (oops, sorry I got carried away there.) Now I understand my opinion is not a popular one, but seriously, how many times do we need to see our new celebrity-in-chief speak to the nation on live t.v.? If he preempts Lost again I might have to write to my congressman or attend a rally or something. Or maybe I'll just start my own rally. Who's with me?!? Now, I know the economy's important and all, but so are the fates of the Oceanic 6! I mean, what if Hurley's right and Jack's choice to not operate on young Ben really does change the future! So lets compare. Obama gives us promises he can't fulfill. Lost gives us Ben, the master-manipulating leader of the others. Obama gives us speeches full of smoke and mirrors. Lost gives us the mysterious smoke monster. Obama gives us foreign relations policies that are questionable, at best. Lost gives us the love quadrangle of Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Juliet. Obama gives us a federal government that oversteps. Lost gives us John Locke, dead man walking! Top that Mr. President!
Now to the easy stuff. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Chad meant tubal ligation and NOT hysterectomy. I may not want any more babies, but I'll keep my uterus, thank you! Look, I'm sure getting your manhood snipped is hard and all, but so is growing a person inside of you for 9 months til it's the size of a football and then pushing it out an opening the size of a golf ball (I'm trying to use analogies the guys can relate to here). It's only fair that Chad have his turn under the knife. Yes, all my deliveries involved a knife. Also, it just make sense to go with the least invasive procedure. I read the little hand out Chad brought home from the doctor's office about the big V. It honestly doesn't look too bad. I'll tell you what Chad, if you get the vasectomy then we'll make it even and I'll get lasik. That's fair, right? Live together, die alone.
So tell me what you think. Do you like Obama? What lies in the shadow of the statue? Is Chad a big wuss, overly protective of his man-parts, or just a typical guy? And did I use to many exclamation points in this post!!!? Seriously, I had to stop myself from typing the word "seriously" in half of my sentences. Do I use that word too much in real life? I'm gonna have to start taking notice.